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Naples Gators Youth Football & Cheerleading

Naples Gators Youth Football & Cheerleading


There is no perfect solution for determining when to cancel or not cancel practice during the rainy season here in Florida. Those of us that have lived in Florida for some time understand that it can be pouring buckets in East Naples, North Naples or everywhere else in Southwest Florida and it might not be raining at all at Fleischmann Field. We also know that there can be a thunderstorm now and then it can be totally clear 10 minutes later (or vice versa). Knowing these facts, understand it is impossible to have an answer two hours (or hour or even half an hour sometimes) before practice.

The decision to cancel practice is determined by current weather conditions, future weather determined by radar, lightning alarms and conversations with the City of Naples field managers.

Typical rule of the thumb –

  1. Rain only does not cancel football practice for football players (Cheerleaders maybe).  Unless the City has determined the field not to be in playable condition.
  2. Lightning does not necessarily cancel practice. If it is determined that the lightning is going to pass, practice will be held.

The decision to cancel practice will be made by the President, Vice President and Football Commissioner. Not by Coaches/Team Mom’s without consulting the Executive Board.

Football Coaches will get their direction from either Pres., V.Pres. or FB Commissioner.

Cheerleading will get their direction from the Pres. or V. Pres. Cheerleading is a special condition because they do stunts and flips which could prove dangerous on slippery ground. They may not have practice on rain only weather events.

Players and cheerleaders will get an announcement from text, website posting, team moms or coaches after being advised by the Pres. or V.Pres.

In no case will there be a determination to cancel practice more than a half hour before practice unless there’s an all-day weather event that warrants cancellation.

We will try to make a preliminary decision by 5:15 PM and announce it accordingly. That announcement will be – 1. Practice is still on, 2. Practice is canceled, or 3. Practice is on but subject to change.

Please refrain from texting messaging or phone calling prior to the 5:15 PM time. We are well aware of how weather plays into our daily plans and will update you as best we can. The weather is a moving target here in Southwest Florida so please be patient.


Naples Gators
1600 Fleischmann Blvd 
Naples, Florida 34102

Email: [email protected]

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